Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Friday The 13th Part VI : Jason Lives (1986)

Friday The 13th Part 6:Jason Lives

Download information:691 MB in 7 Parts: hxxp://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=8f0c64af29853300b4e0c5efb3960d7913718ef75398fc69

Why am I starting my reviews of the Friday movies with this one? Quite simply, it is the best of the series. Not boring at all, and with touches of humor (including a smiley-face gag), some entertaining death scenes plus the male lead is Thom Matthews (who also starred in the other great 80's film The Return Of The Living Dead (I and II))

This is where it all got turned around with Jason Voorhees, in all films to this point, Jason was portrayed as human, (super strong as well) but still human. And it was as a human that he was killed (in 1984's Friday The 13th:The Final Chapter).

So if he's dead, whats the movie about. Well picture a metal bar thrust into an open coffin and a handy bolt of lightning. Presto! Instant reanimated Jason.

The Friday The 13th Website (http://www.fridaythe13thfilms.com) gives this basic premise in its plot synopsis:

Tommy Jarvis is released from the mental institutions in which he has spent most of his adolescence. Along with his friend Allen Hawes, Tommy goes to dig up and cremate Jason's corpse. But when he pierces Jason's chest with an iron fence post, a bolt of lightning resurrects him. Jason quickly takes out Allen with a fist through the chest, and when Tommy flees Jason heads for the renamed and reopened Lake Forest Green.

Basically this movie is a killer stalking the killer of the aforementioned killer. A zombiefied undead Jason, and a story that makes much more sense than a lot of the Friday movies. And a James Bond homage just before the opening titles. No wonder it is often voted the best of the series.

So my equation for this movie is the preceeding premise+Thom Matthews+ Jason Voorhees + Songs by Alice Cooper equals

FOUR Darios!

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